Healthcare: How to insure more than 11 million America, easily

Via Alan Reynolds:
In a 2008 study for the Department of Health and Human Services, Stephen T. Parente and three other health economists from the University of Minnesota carefully estimated the "Consumer Response to a National Marketplace for Individual Insurance."

If markets were just opened up to regional competition, they found, many folks would opt for the better value and move their individual policies to a nearby state. And, because of the savings, many consumers would select better, more comprehensive plans than they now have.

By region, the states with the least costly insurance mandates were New Hampshire in the Northeast, Nebraska in the Midwest, Arizona in the West and Alabama in the South.

If those looking for individual policies were allowed to shop in any state, the number of uninsured would drop by 11.1 million in the Parente study's mid-range scenario, and possibly much more.


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