Keith Olbermann

I loved Keith Olbermann when he was taking George W. Bush to task for violating the Constitution. But it soon became apparent that Olbermann was just another partisan hack -- everything Democrat good, everything Republican bad.

The turning point for me was when Olbermann defended Senator/Candidate Obama's flip-flop on telecom immunity (in the case of President Bush's illegal warrantless spying on the American people). This made it perfectly clear that Olbermann has no real regard for the Constitution. All he really cares about is being a pimp for the Democrats. Since then . . .

Olbermann has graduated from being a hack and a pimp, to being rabid and crazed. For instance, it doesn't surprise me to learn that he donned a Bill O'Reilly mask and gave the Nazi salute at a gathering of TV critics. 

Some people may be able to see a meaningful difference between O'Reilly and Olbermann, but I can't.

In addition: Nick Gillepsie nails the frantic, breathless, run-on-sentence Olbermann style in this great take-down.


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