Climategate: Are scientisits being treated unfairly?
Via The Guardian:
When you pay for your research with money taken from people at the point of a tax collector's gun, and the results of your research are being used to justify massive State coercion, is it really surprising that people get angry?
Rick Piltz, a former official in the US government climate science programme who now runs the Climate Science Watch website, said Inhofe and others were getting in the way of scientific work. "Scientists who are working in federal labs are being subjected to inquisitions coming from Congress," he said. "There is no question that this is an orchestrated campaign to intimidate scientists."And this . . .
"Some of the emails make thinly veiled threats of violence against me and even my family, and law enforcement authorities have been made aware of the matter," he told the Guardian. He said the attacks appeared to be a co-ordinated effort. "Some of them look cut-and-paste."I find it hard to believe that threatening emails would come from an organized central source, such that they would seem "cut and paste," but I have no doubt that people are angry.
When you pay for your research with money taken from people at the point of a tax collector's gun, and the results of your research are being used to justify massive State coercion, is it really surprising that people get angry?
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