Obama: Is he the second coming of George W. Bush?

Mr. Obama promised us change, but there's much about him that reminds me of his predecessor. George W. Bush was famous for being stubborn and impervious to evidence. I notice the same trait in our current president. For instance, consider this analysis of the healthcare summit, courtesy of Grace-Marie Turner from the Galen Institute:
Rational arguments and facts are discarded. When Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wisc.) detailed at the summit the budget gimmicks in the bills that would put executives of private companies in jail, the president just brushed past his remarks and said he “disagrees.” That means Mr. Obama disagrees with the Congressional Budget Office and the chief Medicare actuary whose analyses are based upon the facts of his double-counting of Medicare savings, ten years of taxes with six years of spending, creation of new budget-busting entitlements, one-fifth of Medicare providers going out of business and jeopardizing care for seniors, and health-insurance premiums rising even faster if the bill is passed than if not.


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