Downsize DC: Temporary fatigue can lead to a permanent bad outcome

The polls are clear. Most Americans hate the Democrats' healthcare plan. But Obama and Pelosi don't care what you think. They want to use an obscure process called reconciliation to bypass the need for a super-majority in the Senate.

This foolish move may cost the Democrats their majority control of Congress, but it will also be hazardous to your health, if they get away with it. Here's the key to stopping them . . .

Obama and Pelosi lack the votes they need in the House for their reconciliation scheme to work. Very few House Democrats are as suicidal as the President and the Speaker. We must keep it that way by maintaining the pressure.

We know you must be tired of this issue, but you must not relent. Temporary fatigue can lead to a permanent bad outcome. Please send Congress another letter using our quick and easy Educate the Powerful system.

Just cut and paste the following simple letter . . .

I object to the use of reconciliation to pass the healthcare bill. This bill is so hated by so many Americans, and will have such serious negative consequences, that a super-majority should actually be required in BOTH chambers, not just the Senate.


You can send your letter here.

Please follow-up with a phone call if your House Rep. is a Democrat. Our system will give you the phone number you need when you send your letter. You don't need to say much. In fact, you can just read them the same words as in the sample letter above. 

Please forward this message to others and ask them to also take action.

Thanks for your support.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.


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