The Partisan Problem: Number of Unaffiliated Voters Up, Both Major Parties Down

From Rasmussen Reports . . .
The number of Democrats declined slightly for the fourth straight month. At 35.1%, the number of Democrats is down slightly from a month ago, down six percentage points from a year ago, and is at the lowest level recorded in more than seven years of monthly tracking by Rasmussen Reports. See the History of Party Trends from January 2004 to the present. Also in February, the number of Republicans declined for the second straight month. At 32.1% the number of Republicans is down a point-and-a-half from a year ago but is in the middle of the range the party has occupied for the past two years.The number of adults not affiliated with either major party is now up to 32.9%. That matches the all-time high recorded twice during the summer of 2007.


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