Downsize DC: Hoyer wants to raise your taxes

Today's Downsizer Dispatch from

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer wants to raise your taxes.

Send your Representative and your two Senators a letter rejecting this idea.

You can copy or borrow from my letter . . .

Here's what Steny Hoyer said at the Brookings Institution on Monday, March 1: “No one likes raising revenue (increasing taxes), and understandably so, but if you’re going to buy, you need to pay."

I've got a better idea -- don't buy!

Millions of Americans have had to cut their expenses because of the economy. Their prudence is fruitless if you raise their taxes to pay for YOUR orgy of spending.

And please don't tell me that you're going to tax the rich, and NOT me. Rich people don't spend most of their money -- they invest it to create jobs! That's how they got rich. So the more you tax them the fewer jobs there will be. YOU don't create jobs, rich people do! Instead, you destroy jobs with high taxes and wasteful spending.

Poor people always end up paying for your "tax the rich" schemes by losing their jobs.

And please don't tell me you're going to motivate the rich to create jobs by offering them tax credits in return for hiring new people. Raising their taxes with one hand while giving them money back with the other is just plain stupid.

The problem is that you guys think nothing can happen in this country unless you have your noses right in the middle of it. Well, I say it's long past time for you politicians to butt out. Instead of raising taxes and cluttering the tax code with more tax credits, please do the following . . .
  • Cut spending. Cut everything, including entitlements and the military.
  • Cut taxes, and keep cutting them until America has the lowest taxes in the world. Doing that will create jobs.
Any politician who talks about raising taxes, or spending, will deserved to be fired the next time they're up for election. I'm watching what you do, and discussing it with other voters.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

Please forward this message to other concerned taxpayers.

Make a contribution to expand our reach.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.


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